🦍 Alpha Ape #1 - Bitboy the holiday'ing bounty hunter

+ 3 up and coming projects to keep an eye out for

Yoyoyo GMGM Happy Monday and welcome to Alpha Ape #1.

Every Monday we’ll be giving you a collection of:

• Alpha tweets, • Up-and-coming projects• Governance proposals

Without further ado pen and paper at the ready, let’s jump right in.

Remember: Nothing in this newsletter is financial advice and is purely for entertainment purposes only. The projects mentioned are just interesting finds.

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But before we jump in, and if you’re new around here, then hit that subscribe button. We’ll keep you ahead of the trend, drop you some alpha and so much more.


Top Tweets - Karl_0X drops the alpha phone notes Tweet for December, Bitboy the bounty hunter but don't forget he dumped on you, SBF’s purchase of the 26th smallest bank and 3AC get a dose of real talk• Might be Something - 3 future projects to keep an eye out for including Wen Llamas, CamelotDex and NFTPerpGovernance Proposals - Polygons proposal to GMX, Abracadabra needs the help of Sushi and Lyra’s potential move to Arbitrum & GMX integration• Updates on the bloc - Stable Diffusion 2 expert required + How TapiocaDAO is changing the airdrop game

🔥 Top Tweets

The whats what of whats going on in December

Internet user Bitboys begins his“redemption arc”

In a wild turn of events 

When in reality

Let us not forget 

He can’t afford a good set of wheels but buys a bank?!

Whilst he rides his knight to D6…

Real talk

😡🤦‍♂️ becareful of the larps

A bullish case for the Polygon team

And something for you Arbi bulls

👀 Might be Something

…but then again could be nothing. Here are a collection of up-and-coming projects to keep an eye on anon.

1) Wen Llama?! NFT

Exciting, utility-based NFT’s aren’t something you would associate with the Curve or Convex ecosystem which is where the giga team behind Wen Llamas steps in. Check out their first Medium article here.

TLDR, 1,111 manually curated LLamas will be minted at 0.01 Eth where 100% of the minting fees are used to purchase CRV and CVX which will be locked away as veCRV and vlCVX in the community multi-sig.

Each Llama can level up to earn badges and medals which give special rewards and judging by this Tweet whitelisting is coming soon.

Oh and the team includes Curve and Convex devs.

Additional Resources: Twitter | Medium | Whitelist | Co-Founders Twitter

2) CamelotDEX on Arbitrum

Camelot is an ecosystem-centric Arbitrum DEX with the goal of being Arbitrums #1 native dex by “enabling protocols to have a high degree of flexibility and control over their own liquidity.”

TLDR, It’s aiming to be a dapp that acts as a hub for other protocols and users to bootstrap liquidity. What makes it unique is it’s a dual AMM enabling you to make volatile (uniV2-like) and stable (curve-like) swaps.

Partners and pools include the likes of GMX, Umami, DAOJones, MIM and GMD with Genesis pools already live. Yield hunters should check this thread as it explains the why behind it being so special.

Knights of the round table, keep these dates in mind:

3) NFTPerp Beta Mainnet goes live

NFTPerp is a perps future dex for NFTs so that we can go 5x long or short on our favourite (or most hated) bluechip NFT Collections.

Beta went live on mainnet last Friday 25th November and it’s head to head, Punks vs Apes to begin with as private beta testers can use the platform to make realised gains.

The NFTPerp team has managed to bring on board some giga brain advisors including @Crypto_McKenna, @benroy__, @n2ckchong and @benlakoff.

TLDR, the first dex to trade futures with up to 5x leverage to go long and short on bluechip NFT collections.

They use “vAMM (virtual automated market maker) under the hood, originally designed by Perpetual Protocol.” This basically means no liquidity provider is needed, no order book and in true PvP fashion, one trader’s gain is another trader’s loss.

Additional Resources: Docs | Twitter | Roadmap | Seed Investor Thread 

Other Notable Projects and Events

  1. ParaSpace NFT is the first cross-margin NFT financialization protocol with investment coming from Sequoia, Coinbase Ventures, Pantera, and Polychain Capital, to name a few, and is developed by the Parallel.Fi Team. Currently in an open testnet phase.

  2. GammaSwapLabs wen lunch?! Soon, you can sign up on their website to be notified.

  3.  NFTScoring is evolving into Singular.xyz, a marketplace for a new era of NFT trading. Currently invite only but they may be dropping additional waitlist codes.

👨‍💻 Governance Proposals

Polygon 🤝 GMX

There’s no denying the Polygon BD team has been hard at work in ‘22. Hamzah Khan, the Head of Defi at Polygon recently submit a proposal to “invite the team to launch GMX on Polygon PoSwhilst name-dropping “Robinhood App” which Polygon partnered with back in Sept ’22.

Here’s why this could be big for GMX:

Lyra 🤝 Arbitrum

Leap 38

Liquidity is drier than a raisin right now and Lyra is acting smart by listening to the community and acting in “response to user and integrator requests for an Arbitrum deployment.”

TLDR, deploy on Arbitrum, use GMX perps as liquidity to further grow the project and protect it from major downturns in the market.

PS. We wrote this What is Lyra Finance guide back in Sept ‘22.

Abracadabra 🍣 needs Sushis's help

Users’ funds are at risk from the:

1) yvcrvstETH cauldron due to a faulty oracle and;

2) cvxRenCrv cauldron due to the “recent developments on the deprecation of Ren Bridge v1 make us uncertain on what the best path forward is with this kind of collateral.”

In return, xSushi holders get 35% of vault revenue by being ethical and supporting Abracadabra

🤝 Here’s the Deel

and a quick word from our super awesome sponsors who help us make this all possible

If you are a builder in this space and are hiring a remote-first team take a look at one of our partners, Deel. They allow you to hire, manage, onboard, and pay from anywhere in the world without the hassle. Yes, Deel allows you to pay your team in crypto too…

🦧 Updates from the bloc

The latest thread

Something something giga brain technological thesis something something probably nothing something something but still needs to learn about it.

Hit us up in the discord or slip into the DMS if you know about stable diffusion 2

The latest podcast

In a time where innovation is at its most needed the team at Tapioca Dao (the first ever omnichain money market, spanning across 12+ EVMs built on LayerZero) is changing the game by revolutionising the way airdrops are done in the form of “oTAP aka airdrop options.”

Founder veMatt drops by to tell us more.

Tune in on YouTube or Spotify.

✍️ Feedback

And that’s it anon, from the whole team we hope you enjoyed it!

Your opinion matters to us, if you’ve 3 minutes let us know how you found today’s edition.

🦍 The Ape Enclosure

We’re ready to ape in, at any time. Got a good idea that needs funding? Send us an email with all of the info to [email protected]

Interested in sponsoring this newsletter? and get your project or idea in front of people who matter. Send us an email or Sponsor Section and we will see if it is a good fit for our audience!


or to participate.