🦍 Alpha Ape #2 - Caroline Spotted! Berachain is real? & More

plus a look into Onomy Protocol, Arkham Intelligence and The Beacon


NEWS just in this morning, Caroline has been spotted in a local coffee shop in SoHo Manhattan. Altcoin Daily showed a map in showing she is a 6-minute walk from an FBI field office

And this meme sums up those current feels as to how the media is portraying Sam as a helpless innocent nerd who was clueless about the inner workings of his empire.

But it’s Monday, it’s almost Christmas and we have a whole host of alpha tweets, 3 project updates, and 3 governance TLDRs to kick-start you week off.

Remember: Nothing in this newsletter is financial advice and is purely for entertainment purposes only. The projects mentioned are just interesting finds.

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But before we jump in, and if you’re new around here, then hit that subscribe button. We’ll keep you ahead of the trend, drop you some alpha and so much more.

🐥 Top Tweets - The Block Research Director Lars recaps November’s numbers, Smokey hints Berachain IS real?! Caroline gets anime AI’d 😏, hodlKRYPTONITE on GMX fud, Compoud248 reveals what the media actually means and Coinbase Brian is out for blood.👀 Might be Something - We look at multi-chain suite Onomy Protocol, the latest wallet tracking dashboard from Arkham Intelligence and Arbitrum dungeon game The Beacon.👨‍💻 Governance Proposals - Uniswap “Fee Switch”, Fantoms Gas Monetisation and Synthetix Atomic Swap v2 on Curve.📝 Thread of the Day - WE NEED YOU! for the blocmates Christmas Twitter Awards ideas.🎧 Podcast of the Day - Grant, Jedi and I chat about Trader Joe moving to Arbitrum and a bullish thesis plus market updates.

**BREAKING: Caroline Spotted grabbing a cuppa…the plot thickens

Anime AI is scary AF…all I want for Christmas is…?

A lot happened in November, here are the figures

FTX (Sam) and Alameda (Sam) have been getting a lot of attention…here’s what it actually means

Brian has a point here

Nope. Still a fake chain

Whilst the plot continues to thicken

Steady mates, Trader Joe is expanding

Serrrr you are here

Is bitcoin really on the road to zero?

Punks and Penguins > Apes 

The low down on whats occurring on Arbitrum

GMX fuddoooor

GMX fuddling debunked? You decide

Yeahhh but are you going to admit it?

FTX/Alameda (Sam) = Scam, 3AC = Goofballs?

…but then again could be nothing. This is just a collection of projects that might be worth keeping an eye on.

1) Onomy Protocol

Resources: Website - Medium - Discord - Twitter

An interoperable layer one ecosystem that is providing the rails for the forex market to plug itself into the wonderful world of defi. You’ll be able to easily mint, trade, and lend stablecoins cross-chain.

The 4 Pillars of Onomy

Onomy Network (ONET) - app-specific layer one built using Cosmos SDK that can bridge to the likes of Near, Aurora, Ethereum, Polygon etc using the Arc Bridge Hub.

Onomy Exchange (ONEX) - their DEX that combines AMM Liquidity Pools with an Orderbook UI to feel like CEX but acts like DEFI.

Onomy Access - the non-custodial multi-chain mobile wallet app to keep all your assets that are spread across various chains in one place

Onomy Reserve (ORES) - the stablecoin issuance protocol that allows for the mining of Denoms using NOM as collateral.

2) Arkham Intelligence

AKA The Dark Knight of Crypto Intelligence. This is an all-in-one dashboard that allows you to track wallets, filter them into categories and visually see all of the in and outflows of that wallet address. It also shows your balance since creation including all transactions and a full in-depth portfolio analysis with profit and loss.

The visualiser feature, along with its filter settings, is going to be a crypto detective’s best friend for hunting through scammers, hackers and exchange wallets as it adds a slick UI to it. They are currently going through beta testing but you can apply to join the waitlist above.

3) The Beacon

Resources: Website - Discord - Twitter

It’s safe to say that since its launch The Beacon has brought a lot of life and interest back into crypto gaming as it is one of the most polished experiences I’ve personally ever played. What the team has accomplished since they launched on November 25th is nothing short of remarkable as they have brought in over 11,000 new people into the Treasure Dao ecosystem over on Arbitrum.

It’s a simple dungeon-based game with daily rewards, including a quiz, to power up your founding character NFT and make your little wooden goblin shack look like a palace.

December 16th, you’ll be able to mint and egg BUT you’ll need to wait until mid-Jan for it to hatch with alpha game reason coming in 2023.

UniSwap 🦄 Fee Switch

Proposal 19514

Originally proposed in July ‘22 the long-debated “fee switch” pilot program is up for discussion again with an on-chain vote set to go live in the next 14 days.

TLDR; This pilot is designed to test the “fee switch” which will take 1/10th of fees generated from LP’s and will be sent to the Uni treasury to be used in future proposals that are for “public good purposes for the community and to grow the Uniswap protocol.” Fees will not go back to holders due to regulatory concerns.

Fantom 👻 dApp Gas Monetization Program


Builders be building and this proposal is designed to reward those building on the Fantom network by effectively slashing the burn rate by 75% to fund the dApp incentives program through gas monetisation.

TLDR; Slash the burn rate from 20% down to 5% to “attract and retain high-grade talent continuously” in the Web3 space.” dApps are eligible if they have recorded 1m+ transactions or spent 3+ months on the Fantom Opera Network.

Synthetix Atomic Swap v2 🤝 Curve

Nice and simple this one, Synthetix is proposing to get A = 256 and decrease the fees of the sUSD and sETH pools.

TLDR; Proposing to reduce the fees on the sUSD and sETH pools on Curve.

PS. An “Atomic Swap is an exchange allowing traders to atomically exchange assets by pricing synths via a combination of Chainlink and dex oracles


Todays Alpha Ape is brought to you by our good friends at Revelo Intel.

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The latest thread

Ben came up with a fantastic idea for an official blocmates.com Christmas Twitter Awards Show. We are compiling a list of the top 10 awards to give out to the community. Tweet us and send in your ideas

The latest podcast

Steady lads…skips to 10:15 as Grant air drops into the show to share the alpha on Trader Joe’s up-and-coming move to Arbitrum whilst Jedi and I go on a bullish rant ending up with a discussion about how Apple is blocking Coinbase.

Tune in on YouTube or Spotify.

And that’s it anon, from the whole team we hope you enjoyed it!

Your opinion matters to us, if you’ve 3 minutes let us know how you found today’s edition.

We’re ready to ape in, at any time. Got a good idea that needs funding? Send us an email with all of the info to [email protected]

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