šŸ§ø Bears, Bongs and a Sing Song

Visa flex with FTX and the DOWJ becomes more volatile than Bitcoin

Happy Monday Anon, sooooo it looks like this whole Uptober thing is still pending ready for take offā€¦.but thats ok because today we take a look at the bears, the strong performers and some Monday motivation to kick start you week off.

Anon, welcome to your Monday Newsletter.

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But before we jump in, and if youā€™re new around here, then hit that subscribe button. Weā€™ll keep you ahead of the trend, drop you some alpha and so much more.

In Todays Enclosure

ā€¢ The Big Topic - Bears, Bongs and a Sing Songā€¢ Bitesized bits - Visa flex with FTX and the DOWJ become more volatile than Bitcoinā€‹ā€¢ Chart of the day - $EGLD holding strongā€¢ Hidden Alpha - šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø

šŸ”„ The Big Topic - Bears, Bongs and a Sing Song

Bears, Bongs and a good ole sing song thatā€™s whatā€™s to come. You might have remembered in our previous issue ā€œMemechain Season is Comingā€ that we spoke about Bera Chain being one of the smoking hot, up-and-coming new layer 1s to keep an eye out on. Well, if you spend most of the day on Twitter like we do then you may have seen a whole load of bears, with bongs and moves like Jagger floating around.

So hereā€™s your TLDR version of what might be to come.

The Tech Chain Bit

Okok letā€™s get the tech bits out of the way first so we can deep dive into the speculative area thatā€™s floating around circles at the moment. (PS. the tech stuff is actually giga brained when you read the long version).

Berachain is ā€œan EVM-compatible L1 built on the Cosmos SDK, powered by Proof of Liquidity (PoL) Consensus designed to make capital more productive so there is less of a reason for users to leave the chain.ā€

PoL takes the traditional Proof of Steak (PoS) model, adds a little ā€œoreganoā€ and then allows users to stake multiple assets (ETH, BTC, stables etc) to a single validator. This then gives the on-chain AMM more liquidity from various assets.

The team has gone for a tri-token model with Bera as the gas token, Honey as the native fractional algorithmic stablecoin and BGT as the governance token.

But waitā€¦.thereā€™s NFTs?! Scroll down anon itā€™s coming.

The Sing Song

Now the fun part and do note, until officially confirmed this is all (kinda confirmed) unconfirmed blazing speculation that's flying high.

Right, so we have The Bong Bears then came The Bond Bears, which led to The Boo Bears and The Baby Bears, but letā€™s not forget about The Band Bears and those The Bear Bits to finish off.

Wen air drop?! Wen APY?! Wen me an mah OHMies gonna be BROhmies?!

We know that the Cosmos ecosystem loves an airdrop and one of the biggest reasons for holding a Bear is that it may give you exposure to the ecosystem through bairdrops. Bear holders will also get rebase bears with each epoch, so hodl your bear and rebase even more bears. This may turn out to be NFTFi at its finest with borrowing, lending, put, callsā€¦the whole 9 yards.

So to break it down 1 bong bear gets 2 bond bears, gets 6 boo bears, gets 18 baby bears, gets 54 band bears, gets 108-bit bears, gets 216 generated rebase bears.

The School Yard Playground

You remember those days on the playground with your crew coming up with plans to take over the world, climb up trees and make the yard games a good ponzi. On the Bera incentivised test net, the devs are doing the same. So come launch there will potentially be a whole host of fun integrations between the 33+ projects building over thereā€¦.againā€¦.wen bairdrop?! Game theory at its finest.

My favourite quote of what might happen from @deepname69 who has been commentating on the whole Bera Chain narrative since the beginningā€¦ā€LSD summerā€ but anon I cant wait that long, bring on the Bera festive season!

Hereā€™s are a couple of fun facts for you ā€œThere are 101 original Bong Bears because Smokey and Papa were accidentally stoned and issued one bear twice and the owner didnā€™t burn the second.ā€

Our Take

OMG the FOMO is very real now and there are more moving parts to this than an Ikea flatpack as the Bera Chain itself is giga tech and the NFTs hold the key to a lot of $$, fun and mystery within the ecosystem. The really really TLDR version of this is, Bears = bair drops, the ecosystem is heavily gamified to make it fun and keep liquidity present, a new generation of NFTFi is being created, connections with big brain investors including some of the OHMies and ones that are not named yet (plus a mention of a fund that fumbled due to thinking the name was stupid), and an incentivised test net where devs are creating an interconnected world.

It feels like this is only the surface layer of what could turn out to be one of the most gamified NFTfi rebasing projects we have ever seen that is all done in a way that is not just ā€œhighlyā€ relatable (lol you degen!) but super cool, hip and community-driven which is something that crypto lacks sometimes.

So, wen ponzi bera collection?! Wen baseball card collection?! Wen bera sugma?!

Reading list:

šŸ—ž The Bitesized News Bits

The Celcius biggest loser leaderboard has been created and you can see your rank if you were affected by it.

Flip reverse it, as the Dow Jones now officially becomes more volatile than Bitcoin.

Binance dumps Helium, as the main HNT trading pair gets delisted and in a statement said that ā€œwhen a coin or token no longer meets this standard or there are changes in the industryā€ā€¦jealous of the T-Mobile partnership much!?

Visa flex with FTX, with 40 more countries worldwide being added to the list of being able to gain access to a crypto debit card.

Tron hits $4bn transactions, and rumours are circulating that HE Justin Sun, Founder of the Tron Network, is set to buy the Huboi exchange and has just been announced as a member of their Global Advisory Board.

šŸ›” Chart of the day: $EGLD

Our Take

EGLD has been one of the strongest performing charts, both in the USDT and BTC pairings. Almost looks as if it is ignoring what is happening in the macro. It looks as if the EGLD whales are buying and holding the floor for X Day in Paris on November 3-5. EGLD has a very bullish Q4 road map and staking phase 4 might be one of the major reasons why we are seeing such strong accumulation right now. Keep in mind Elrond Gamify and Defi 2.0 Lending & Synthetics (and more) are also coming out towards EOY.

Bull case, a break of the 0.382 Fib line and we could see a huge movement toward the $70 mark.

Bear case, if we see a break of the 50 EMA (yellow line) then the next big area of volume is in and around the $46-$48 mark.

šŸ¤ Hereā€™s the Deel

and a quick word from our super awesome sponsors who help us make this all possible

If you are a builder in this space and are hiring a remote-first team take a look at one of our partners, Deel. They allow you to hire, manage, onboard, and pay from anywhere in the world without the hassle. Yes, Deel allows you to pay your team in crypto tooā€¦

šŸ¦§ Updates from the bloc

The latest thread

Without liquidity, there is no defi and without defiā€¦well weā€™d all be fighting over a job at Maccas or KFC so hereā€™s an untangled version of Entangle Fi.

PS. We wrote about them first in this Twitter thread back in July.

The latest podcast

If you missed it over the weekend hereā€™s the Friday market catch-up where we talk about the BSC bridge hack, the CEL leaked documents, a little herbal alpha drop on the Bong Bears, and our take on why CZ is the real winner of Elonā€™s Twitter takeover.

šŸŽ‰ Monday Motivation

Give 169% day in day out and just keep going because you got this champ!

šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø  Hidden Alpha

Soooo you want a 5-minute head start against the rest of the market, well here are our picks to add to your watchlist:

BDAMM, worth having on your watch list as something might be in the works.

Bera Chain Projects, check this list out and keep an eye on whatā€™s to come. A lot of hype around the chain so there may be some winners here.

Stables, responsible trading through chop.

šŸ¦ The Ape Enclosure

Weā€™re ready to ape in, at any time. Got a good idea that needs funding? Send us an email with all of the info to [email protected] - Equally, if you would like your project to be featured in our Sponsor Section, contact us and we will see if it is a good fit for our audience!


or to participate.