šŸ§ NFT FUD for y00ts & DeGods, What SBFs Bond really means & MORE

+ the OG DOGE falls sick, Fantoms 2023 plan and LUNC's new L1 Task Force


We hope you had a fantastic Christmas and managed to spend some time away from the charts as Bitcoin and Ethereum both stablecoinā€™d as we enter the final 4 trading days of 2022.

Donā€™t worry anon if you didnā€™t WAGMI (like us) this year then keep your eyes out for the final ā€œblocmates 2022 recap newsletterā€ as weā€™ll be making some New Years Resolutions.

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But before we jump in, and if youā€™re new around here, then hit that subscribe button. Weā€™ll keep you ahead of the trend, drop you some alpha and so much more.

šŸ”„ Top 3 Headlines - Y00ts & DeGods Ditch Solana for Polygon & Ethereum, What Sams $250m bond really means and North Korean NFT Phishing Campaign.šŸ—ž 5 TLDR News Bites - Mark Cuban slams Bill Maher, LUNC community rally for new L1 Task Force, Fantomā€™s big plan for 2023, AVAX set to onboard 500m chess players and OG DOGE dog gets sick.šŸ›” Chart of the day - $SPX, 4 days left to rally?šŸ„ 5 Alpha Tweets - Messari CEO Ryan Selkis, Nansen CEO Alex Svanevik, Alpha Hunter CJ, Chief Fatalist Concoda, and a reminder from Ninja Scalp.

1) Y00ts & DeGods Ditch Solana for Polygon & Ethereum

Solanas TVL has been getting rugged on the daily since the start of the year dumping from a comfy $6.68bn down to dust at $214m. So itā€™s not surprising to hear Solana NFT blue-chips y00ts and DeGods being the latest to jump ship and head to warmer climates.

Founder, Frank III delivered the devastating blow to Solana on Christmas Day (oooftā€¦ wheres the festive cheer?!) with this ā€œthanks for the memoriesā€ type Tweet stating that it is just the beginning.

But itā€™s another win for the Polygon team and a good move as the y00ts will be bridging over to their new home on Polygon whilst DeGods make their way over to Ethereum.

Fast forward 48 hours and CT isnā€™t happy with rumours going around that the DeGods NFT team asked for $5m from the Solana Foundation to stick around which Head of Comms Austin Federa has not confirmed.

Honestly, itā€™s hard to hate on a decision to move to Polygon when non-crypto industry giants such as Adidas, Nike and Reddit have all chosen to host their collections on the blockchain.

And donā€™t forget Polygon NFT volume is moon shooting right now.

2) What Sams $250m bond really means

Urghhh another day another revelation in the SBF saga.

This time CT exposes whatā€™s behind the jaw-dropping $250m bail bond *spoiler alertā€¦not a lot*

When I first heard these numbers I did think they were ludicrously high and non-sensicalā€¦and I was right.

SBF has been released on a $250m bail bond of which normally youā€™d pay up to around 15% or in this case $37.5M.

Alternatively, you can put up collateral for the same amount, such as Mum and Dads $4m Palo Alto mansion that SBF has been forced to stay into under home arrest at.

But waitā€¦$4m is not $37.5mā€¦so how is this man still able to play League of Legends with the boys into the early hours of the night?!

Well, hear me outā€¦SBF was released on a ā€œpersonal recognisance bondā€ which basically says


Whatever happens next in this saga we hope it happens in 2023 as for 2022ā€¦weā€™ve had enough!

3) North Korean NFT Phishing Campaign

Yea, those pesky North Korean hackers are up to no good again and this time they are targeting your PFPā€™s through, what might just be, one of the biggest NFT phishing campaigns of the year that has been linked to over 500 dodgey domains with malicious mints.

The blockchain security firm SlowMist released their report on Christmas Eve, of all days, uncovering that this phishy behaviour has been going on for over 7 months.

Malicious mints work by fooling you into connecting your wallet to the website and then signing a transaction. By signing the transaction you essentially give the phisherman free reign to all of the goodies in your wallet which are now open to being drained.

You can protect your PFPā€™s and not get phished by ALWAYS using burner wallets, avoiding ā€œfreeā€ suspicious-looking mints and always do your research into what you are about to ape into.

Steady lads, Mark Cubanā€™s almost ready to deploy after he puts Club Random podcast host Bill Maher in his place after stating he would rather buy ā€œsoundproof underwear.ā€

The LUNC community rally with Terra Classic breaking above $1bn MC again off the back of the Joint L1 Task Force Proposal that looks to establish an elite team of developers to push the network forward.

Andre Cronjeā€™s got a plan for Fantom in 2023 as he shares a letter to the Fantom Foundation with a big focus on areas such as gas monetisation, the fantom virtual machine and base layer scaling.

AVAX is set to onboard 500m chess players as The International Chess Federation (FIDE) announced its official partnership with Avalanche last Friday with Ava Labs and Core being primary sponsors.

The OG DOGE falls seriously ill on Christmas Eve after refusing to eat or drink. From the blocmates team, we wish you a speedy recovery!

and a quick word from our super awesome sponsors who help us make this all possible

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Will it?!

Are we about to see a 4-day mini bull run leading into 2023?!

With 4 trading day left of the year, your guess is as good as ours! We will sit back and watch with eager eyes.

Bull Zone, the bulls zig zag us back up to the 4100 - 4200 zone for some final festive cheer.

Bear Zone, remember that rock of coal you got at Christmas? Yeahā€¦that sends us down to the 3400-3500 zone.

For the hustlers out there

The short of the year from Nansen CEO

CJ is back for round 2

Money Printer go brrrrrrr?

And finallyā€¦

And thatā€™s it anon, from the whole team we hope you enjoyed it!

Your opinion matters to us, if youā€™ve 3 minutes let us know how you found todayā€™s edition.

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