👀 Optimistic Optimism and KuCoins NFT ETC

Happy Monday Mates! Let's kick the week off with Kucoin NFT ETFs, ADA has more delays whilst XRP takes the 6th place spot on the crypto leader board.This is to your Monday Catch Up!

In Todays Catch Up:

  • Chart of the day $XMON

  • Hot News on the bloc

  • Coinflipcanada from $GMX interview

  • The Rest of the Internet

  • The Alpha bloc

Chart of the day $XMONA recent favourite for some of the blocmates as there are rumours of XMON holders being able to gain access to the SUDOSwap airdrop by holding XMON tokens. The chart has seen a fantastic reversal from its lows of close to $3,000 whilst it now sites at a very comfortable $25,000. It also looks as if we are about to form a cup and handle pattern.

$XMON Chart on the daily 31 July 22

Hot News on the blocHot News on the blocETF NFTS....and Kucoin? on Friday 29th Kucoin officially launched their NFT ETF in partnership with Fracton proctol. They will offer users the ability to buy into blue chip classics such as CryptoPunks and BAYC apes.XRP top 6 after prices pumped on the release of the Q2 Ripple Markets. Despite ongoing SEC investigation Ripple was still able to post impressive numbers where "total XRP sales by Ripple, net of purchases, were $408.9M vs. $273.27M USD the previous quarter."Whilst XRP pumps ADA slumps off yet more delays in the release of their Vasil hard fork, if you've been following the ADA story for some time, you would have expected more delays. And at blocmates we do like to keep a neutral mindset on all projects and founders. *note that we have seen $XRP dump heavily moment before sending this we will update in the coming days on the full storyOptimistic Optimism as OP skyrockets over 94% last week. This was likely came off the back of "significant ecosystem updates during the week" where they "launched its new Optimism onboarding flow for new and experienced cryptocurrency traders" and "Euro pegged stablecoin in the form of $agEUR."Now that's a classic, an Ethereum Classic that is. ETH 2.0 is almost with us and Vitalik subtly shilled ETC which directly (or indirectly) saw $1.7bn inflows into ETC market cap. Why is ETC pumping....well "the current Ethereum hash rate would likely transition to the ETC network, making it the most convenient option for migrating miners as it prevents their equipment from becoming useless." 

From the bloc podcast with Coinflipcanada from $GMX

Our BULL THESIS on GMX | Coinflipcanada from GMX on The past, Present and Future of GMX, GLP

The Rest of the InternetEnter the Metaverse, a highly spoken about, understood, and misunderstood universe. Vitalik himself has expressed that he does not think that "corporate attempts to intentionally create the metaverse are going anywhere."Amazon'ing result, as Amazon posted up better than expected results and positive guidance last week to see the giants stock pop by 10%. Along with Apple, Amazon helped bring a few smiles to an otherwise grim earnings season for big tech.A Chinese UFO? China's Long March 5B comes crashing down with a little uncertainty after launching the Wentian lab module to the unfinished Tiangong space station. This video was captured of the stunning-looking space rocket coming back down to earth.Make Crypto Gaming Fun Again! the biggest issue with crypto gaming is....they're not fun. We saw the epic rise and fall of Axie which highlighted the issue with the P2E model. Games, firstly need to be fun and secondly have a low barrier to entry....needing a $500 NFT will put many gamers off. GameFi needs a new model and we might see it in 2022.I'm a cookie monster, they pop up on almost every website but what do they actually mean? Here's something useful to start the week off.

Alpha blocThese are on our watch list for this coming week and remember to do your own research: $SWIS, $HXRO, $JOE, $METIS and $GMX.Jedi Notes: "Long ETH and bitcoin. Accumulating $METIS, $HXRO and $GMX."

The Latest from the bloc/If you missed it:The Latest Podcast, DJ Qian of CHAINGE FINANCE DeFi on Mobile REVEALING HIS SEED PHRASE and Hitting $70bn in LiquidityThe Latest Article, A Complete Guide to 88MPHThe Latest Tweet, The Ape Enclosure. Need help funding a projection? Well, we've got you covered. If you've got a good idea then send us an email at [email protected] 

See you mates on Wednesday!

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