👮‍♀️ SBF Extradited, Jimmy's BAYC Trailer & MORE

+ Frognation leader Dani Sestagalli is BACK, Elon forgets about DOGE and Ethereum chart of the day

GMGM we’ve almost made it anon! Christmas is right around the corner and for SBF, Christmas in paradise is officially canceled as he heads back to the USA to walk the walk after talking the talk…and hopefully…no more Twitter space.

1) What…

2) Happens next is hopefully justice.

In today’s newsletter we look at SBF’s extradition, the frog master Dani Sestagalli is back AND Jimmy faces his biggest challenge yet in the new Bored Ape Yacht Club trailer.

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But before we jump in, and if you’re new around here, then hit that subscribe button. We’ll keep you ahead of the trend, drop you some alpha and so much more.

🔥 Top 3 Hot Topics - SBF extradited, Caroline & Wang plead guilty, Frognation is back and Jimmy’s new BAYC Trailer🗞 The TLDR News Bites - Bitcoin miner Core Scientific files chapter 11, Genesis and DCG MIGHT be saved with the help of Gemini, Polygon’s zkEVM enters the second testnet, Sen Pat Toomeys Stablecoin Act Bill #2 and Elon forgets about DOGE?!🛡 Chart of the day - $ETH, please let it happen!🦧 Thread of the day - CJ breaks down 3 institutional papers forward-looking to 2023.🎧 Podcast of the day - HXRO Co-Founder Gunny joins Jedi to give a deep dive into the new Iconic Markets platform.

SBF extradited, Caroline & Wang plead guilty

And we have another major curveball cliffhanger appear in the FTX Saga.

As it turns out living in a paradise beach resort in the Bahamans isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

On Monday SBF appeared before the courts to ask (and agree) to be taken to the safe haven of the USA as being at the bottom of the food chain in one of the most dangerous prisons in the world isn’t for everyone.

Let’s be honest here…this is one of those moments where having a 10-figure magical internet bean bank balance isn’t going to help as I don’t suppose many inmates have a metamask or ledger set up.

In other news, Caroline and Wang have pleaded guilty to Fraud and are merrily cooperating with prosecutors whilst looking at 110 years in prison. They have both reportedly been released on $250,000 bail.

Frognation is back

On Tuesday, like a tadpole transforming into a frog, the Frognation cult leader Daniele Sestagalli is back. It’s no surprise that ICE has begun a melt-up off the back of the news with an almost 300% gain.

But why? What’s Dani got in store for the Frognation? Digging through some tweets he’s been on the hunt for what the latest innovative defi protocols are.

Whilst following this tweet could we see real-world assets feature on Popsicle Finance and if so how will ICE and SPELL factor into this?

Part of his return seems extremely well-timed given the developments we’ve been seeing with cross-chain interoperability.

What if…Dani heads over to LayerZero??? and then builds OG Popsicle Finance into the biggest degen cross chain defi ecosystem system to kick off defi szn and the 2023 bull run?!

Jimmy’s new BAYC Trailer

The Bored Ape Yacht Club has released the next chapter in the saga Bored Ape Yachtery with a trailer of Jimmy, as he faces the ULTIMATE trial!

The next part of the roadmap “Mysteries Revealed” gets released on December 28th as “a prophet waddles among us, listen closely.”

This leads to a multi-week interactive minting event starting January 18th with the reveal on February 8th.

Keep an eye on MDvMM.xyz for the full roadmap

As you can imagine there’s a lot of speculation around the whats, whys, hows and whens. Remember the Otherside? The NFT land minting event that raised around $300m and burned over $150m in gas?

Yeah…that minting event!

Maybe, just maybe Jimmy is part of the big reveal and the Key he…(you’ll need to watch the video for that)…is what needs to be found to unlock the Otherside metaverse.

Core Scientific, the World’s BIGGEST publically traded Bitcoin Miner files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as energy costs moon shoot whilst Bitcoin prices crash.

Genesis MIGHT be saved this Christmas with the Winklevoss Gemini Duo who are part of a creditor committee, as they propose a plan to Genesis and DCG to “provide a path for the recovery of assets” with a result expected sometime this week. Will this be the go signal the Santa Rally needs?!

Polygon’s zkEVM is in its final stages before mainnet goes live. The goal of the second testnet is to trial the latest upgrade which is set to “exponentially improve scalability.”

Sen. Pat Toomey’s final words to guide stablecoin legislation in 2023 with his second bill “The Stablecoin TRUST Act” on the eve of his departure.

Elon…Wheres DOGE? As the soon-to-be-retired Twitter CEO integrates Bitcoin and Ethereum price charts into Twitter leaving DOGEfanboys disheartened. Now your cash tags will show live charts.

Our Take

Come on Ethereum, give us a little bit of festive cheer as we inch closer and closer to a failed Santa rally. Ethereum is at a resistance point that it has historically failed numerous times to break through and hold.

The RSI looks like it ALMOST wants to break to the upside but with global tensions, the JPY bonds surprise hike and Genesis still teetering on the edge it’s anybodys guess as to what happens now.

Bullish Hopium Zone, this is where Santa delivers the goods and we break up towards the $1,360 - $1,575 zone.

Bear Zone, the bears deliver a lump of black coal and send us back down towards the $1,000 zone.

and a quick word from our super awesome sponsors who help us make this all possible

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Thread of the Day

How many times have you faded an institutional report because it’s 69 pages long and full of useful jargon? Yeah, I have too. Luckily for us CJ breaks down Hashkey Capital, a16z and Panteras end-of-year reports looking into 2023.

Podcast of the Day

You might have seen Jedi aping around on Iconic Markets on Twitter but what is it?! and What is MoonRekt?!

Joined by HXRO Labs Co-Founder Gunny, Jedi gets a first-hand experience using the platform and looking at the UI/IX.

Tune in on YouTube.

And that’s it anon, from the whole team we hope you enjoyed it!

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