🤩 Solana Breakpoint '22: An Insiders Recap

CZ fries Sam in a Twitter battle royale and Do Kwon's back!

God mode has just been initiated as we see two of cryptos titans duke it out pistols at dawn style in a battle royale of the cexes. It’s CZ vs Sam, BNB vs FTT and it’s all being documented in a 280-character tweet. Your bear market blues just got a little bit more interesting and before you know the boys will be back in action fist bumping into the new year.

Today we take a look at the top 5 biggest announcements from the Solana Breakpoint conference here in Lisbon.

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But before we jump in, and if you’re new around here, then hit that subscribe button. We’ll keep you ahead of the trend, drop you some alpha and so much more.

In Todays Enclosure

• The Big Topic - Top 5 from Solana Breakpoint• Bitesized bits - FTT gets fried, Rolex to enter the metaverse and Circle set to launch the Euro Coin• Chart of the day - $FTT, one more push from the BNB bears and its goblin town• Ape Chasers - 🕵️‍♂️

🔥 The Big Topic - Top 5 from Solana Breakpoint

The team has been running around Lisbon with their little backpacks, rugging as many Tshirts, beanies, and Red Bulls to go in-depth into the Solana ecosystem at the Breakpoint conference on a mission to find out what’s being built, by who and how the next set of narratives at being formed.

With that in mind, it’s getting harder and harder to fade Solana as an ecosystem. Here’s your TLDR version of what’s been happening.

PS. We are not Solana maxis. We are just a couple of plebs who had a lot of fun interviewing some of the biggest names in the space including Magic Eden, Stepn, BetDex, HXRO and Rockaway X.

But first…

The Top 5 IYKYK from Breakpoint

1) Solana NFTs go live on the gram

And we are live! Right off the bat, we find out that Solana now integrates into Instagram and Facebook. This is big news for the Sol NFT community as they’ll be able to show off their latest jpeg pfp collections to their normie friends.

2) Firedancer

Kevin Bowers of Jump let loose on stage and delivered an epic presentation about their most ambitious project to date, Firedancer, a brand new validator client the team has been working on. Simply put Firedancer “focuses on documenting and standardizing the current validator to improve ecosystem robustness and system performance.”

3) Zeta Perp-a-licious

The under-collateralised defi derivatives exchange Zeta Markets shipped their perps to mainnet live at the Solana conference which now officially makes them the world’s first order book dex with options. What makes this even juicier is the Market Maker Reward Program to incentivise and reward users.

4) Google 🤝 Solana

It looks like the Google Cloud announcement was more than just clickbait and is huge news and a major win for the Solana biz dev team.

5) The Solana Saga Mobile

Partnering with Helium, we got a first look and test at the Solana Saga Mobile phone. We always talk about wen mass adoption?! Well, this is a step in the right direction. The phone will run on Android and you’ll be able to quite literally have the Solana ecosystem in the palm of your hand.

Our Take

This is just the tip of the iceberg as to what the Solana ecosystem is cooking up. It’s becoming very very hard to fade the Solana ecosystem after having seen an insiders first look and chatting firsthand with devs, degens and vc funds.

If the other major L1’s are digging this deep into their ecosystems then ‘23 is going to be an extremely bullish year as the builders that are building right now finally launch their projects.

Bonus consideration… the normie mobile gaming economy is pumping. Web 3 devs are building mobile-enabled games. The Solana mobile will need games so it would make sense that those building within the Solana ecosystem gets a first-mover advantage.

🗞 The Bitesized News Bits

The Bullish

Crypto's coming home! (and hopefully, England can bring it home too) as we see Crypto.com as the lead Fifa World Cup sponsor which is the perfect highlight to normies.

Circle Announce Euro Coin and is set to be live in early ‘23 which gives users a whole new trading pair.

Rolex enters the metaverse as the luxury watchmaker files for crypto and NFT trademarks. A real-life Daytona might be out of reach in the short term but at least my avatar is going to look cool.

The Bearish

Sam gets fried, but claims that FTX is still doing fine after rumours have been circling the web of insolvency which has led to large outflows from the exchange coupled with slow withdrawals.

Meta dumps…again but this time it’s not the price that is getting hammered as the social media giant is set to lay off thousands of employees. Maybe it’s time for Zucks to unplug himself from the metaverse.

Guess whos back…Do Kwons back…back again but this time he’s fled the safety of Singapore and is currently taking up residence somewhere in Europe, Korean Broadcasting System reported. A lovely place for Christmas!

BONUS: Is Fantom season round 2 about to be a thing as we saw Andre Cronje himself make this tongue in cheek post.

🛡 Chart of the day: $FTT

Our Take

FTT is teetering on the edge. Literally, one big final push from CZ and it’s back down into goblin town. If you are trading this chart, be cautious as CZ is still in the process of liquidating his FTT position. Darth Mauls wicks incoming anon.

Bull case, given the manipulation that’s going on between CZ and Sam simply holding the current level above the $20-$22 mark will be a win in the short term.

Bear case, the BNB bears dump the chart hard and send the price back down to the $10 and under market that we haven’t seen since early ‘21

🤝 Here’s the Deel

and a quick word from our super awesome sponsors who help us make this all possible

If you are a builder in this space and are hiring a remote-first team take a look at one of our partners, Deel. They allow you to hire, manage, onboard, and pay from anywhere in the world without the hassle. Yes, Deel allows you to pay your team in crypto too…

🦧 Updates from the bloc

The latest thread

Whether you are a hodler or a trader this thread from the Lookonchain team gives you an insight into what’s going on with FTT and the altcoin positions they are holding.

The latest podcast

Our good friend Dan Gunsberg from HXRO took to the stage at Breakpoint to deliver his keynote speech on “The Case for On-Chain Derivatives.”

🕵️‍♂️  Ape Chasers

Following on from the Lookonchain thread above and the game of battleships that Sam and CZ are playing it could be worth charting up FTT’s holdings to see how they move over the next 24 hours.

If a trigger is pulled then we might be in for a bumpy ride and a number of cheap tokens.

In Fridays Ape Chasers sections we’ll recap some of the last few weeks and the tools that we have been adding to our toolbox.

🦍 The Ape Enclosure

We’re ready to ape in, at any time. Got a good idea that needs funding? Send us an email with all of the info to [email protected] - Equally, if you would like your project to be featured in our Sponsor Section, contact us and we will see if it is a good fit for our audience!


or to participate.